Friday, January 8, 2021

Classroom Blog: Online School & A Change in Teachers


Classroom Blog: Online School & A Change in Teachers
January 8th, 2021
Happy Friday!

Our first week back after winter break was spent learning from home. Online school has its challenges and technology doesn't always cooperate but the grade 6's did a great job keeping track of their schedule and attending our class meets to share their ideas and ask thoughtful questions. It was good practice incase we have to work online again in the future. Many students are looking forward to being back to in-person learning on Monday morning!

This week also saw a change in teachers. We said goodbye to Miss Lewis and welcomed Mrs. Will back from maternity leave. We will miss Miss Lewis and hope to see her at CNG soon!

Here's what we worked on this week during online school:

Science: This week in science we learned about moon phases. The moon is always there, but sometimes we can only see some of it on account of the light. We learned about the two terms, waning and waxing. If it is waning then the moon is getting smaller and smaller. If it is waxing it is getting bigger and bigger. We also learned about the term “new moon” which is when you can see no moon at all. Then we learned the order of the moon phases.

Gym: In gym we measured the amount of exercises we could do in a minute. We did pushups, sit ups, jumping jacks, crunches and loads of other exercises. For gym with Ms. Mok we did GoNoodle, an app for the school to calm down or pump up their hearts.

Math: For the most part, doing math online was difficult, but we managed. For every math assignment we got review videos to watch, and then did the assignment. The assignments we were working on reviews of, fractions, percents, decimals, transformations, and patterns.

Art: Art this week we did a special project called “I Can’t Imagine Life Without” where we wrote those words in the middle of our page and then made different sections all around, with things we couldn’t imagine life without. Of course we had to exaggerate a bit because the only things you really couldn’t imagine life without is food, water, shelter, and clothes. We wrote things that we loved doing in life, and people who we loved doing them with. You could live without these things but life just wouldn’t be as fun without them.

ELA: In LA we wrote a newspaper article and we used the 5w’s which is who, what, when, where, why. We also made ourselves a new smart goal for school and home.

Social: We learned about La Grande Paix de Montreal (The Grand Peace Treaty of Montreal) that was signed in 1701. French settlers and the many Indigenous groups that live around the great lakes of Canada were constantly fighting with each other, interrupting the fur trade and negotiations about who was going to live and use each section of land. Indigenous leaders and representatives travelled far distances to meet in Montreal, discuss compromises, and sign a peace treaty that had benefits for all who signed it. 

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