Friday, February 19, 2021

 Put Your Thinking Cap On!

February 19th, 2021

Hello families!

Some important dates & reminders for you all:

  1. Pink Shirt Day is February 24th. Show your support towards ending bullying by wearing pink to school.
  2. If anyone has not been able to use their MyCBE account to view their child's report card, please send me an email or call the school and we can help you!
  3. We have started to send home a short weekly homework assignment. Students will get a new assignment on Mondays and will be due the following Monday.

ELA: This week, we wrapped up learning about different types of figurative language. We read examples of war poetry to learn about onomatopoeia, listened to music to find examples of similes, metaphors and hyperboles in lyrics, and illustrated our own idioms as a mini-art project.

Science: The Grade 6s have been learning about aerodynamics and properties of air which includes air pressure, drag, lift,etc… We first made model planes and their objective for our first challenge was to get it from the front of the room to the back of the room using 1 piece of paper. As we learn more about the science of air and how objects fly, we will use the scientific method to modify our designs so they fly better. Our end goal is to be able to design an object that can bank to the right or left (on purpose) and fly in a loop-to-loop. 

Math: We worked on a fun activity using Superstore flyers to add, subtract, multiply and divide money (numbers with decimals) to buy groceries for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the week. We are always working on memorizing our multiplication facts to make all math activities more efficient!

Social: The Grade 6 class has been going back in time to learning about Ancient Athens and their laws. They have learned that Athens isn’t like how we do things now in 2021. Their people were divided into a class system of citizens, metics and slaves who all had different rights and responsibilities when it came to making democratic decisions. The ladies in our class are especially grateful that women have WAY more rights today than the women in Ancient Athens!

Health: We have been doing a program called Heroes. We have been working with our Indigenous instructor Mr. Huppie to work through the lessons in the program. Heroes helps us to set goals, learn about our special gifts and abilities, and learn how to be resilient when things get tough. 

Gym: We have been doing Volleyball as a gym unit for February. We have had to be creative on not using nets because of this virus going around the world so we used hockey nets for its place. We are refining our movements to make our sets, bumps, serves and spikes more powerful and accurate. 

Music: Mrs. Moltzhan is teaching us all about the history of jazz music! We learned the difference between each style of jazz, how or why it started, and who some of the most famous jazz musicians are. We continue to work on reading music to play handbells.

(Shout out to J.A-S. and I.S. for helping to write this week's blog post!)

1 comment:

The Last Blog

 The Last Blog June 18th, 2021 Written by Mrs. Will and the Gang This week, our focus was on getting ready for our grade 6 graduation! On Mo...